The Neighbor-Love Movement
Workshop: Mentorship for Human Flourishing
- Date: Saturday, 20 April 2019
- Location: Lebu, Addis Ababa
Dr. Andrew DeCort led a workshop on the meaning and practice of mentorship for youth leadership and flourishing.
Conference: Peace, Fair Play, and Nonviolence
- Date: Thursday, 21 March 2019
- Location: Dire Dawa City Stadium, Dire Dawa
Dr. Tekalign Nega gave a plenary address on nonviolence and cooperation between diverse people for 220 students from Oromia, Harar, and Somali Regions.
Conference: Gender Equality and Youth
- Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2019
- Location: Dire Dawa City Stadium, Dire Dawa
Dr. Tekalign Nega gave a plenary address on how religious values can promote gender equality and youth empowerment for 220 students from Oromia, Harar, and Somali Regions.
Workshop: Women's Dignity, Overcoming FGM
- Date: Wednesday, 06 February 2019
- Location: Conference Center, Wolaita Soddo
Dr. Tekalign Nega co-led a workshop with Dr. Sehin Teferra of Setaweet on women's dignity and overcoming FGM with 250 high school students.
Sermon: Loving Our Enemies
- Date: Sunday, 02 December 2018
- Location: University Church, Wolaita Soddo
Dr. Andrew DeCort gave a sermon for 5,000 community members on why we should love our enemes and care for the most vulnerable.
Workshop: Nonviolence and Activism
- Date: Saturday, 01 December 2018
- Location: Conference Center, Wolaita Sodo
Dr. Andrew DeCort gave a workshop with 30 community organizers on nonviolence and activism for the common good.
Lecture Series: Faith and Public Responsibility
- Date: Thursday, 29 November 2018
- Location: Shioh Bible College, Wolaita Sodo
Dr. Andrew DeCort gave four public lectures on faith and public responsibility with 150 religious and civic leaders.
Workshop: Civic Participation and the Common Good
- Date: Friday, 19 October 2018
- Location: National Archives, Addis Ababa
This live-streamed panel discussion and public dialogue focussed on civic participation, volunteerism, and the common good with 60 community members. The workshop was viewed over 9,000 times.
Workshop: Why Should We Love Our Enemies?
- Date: Wednesday, 17 October 2018
- Location: Dire Dawa, City Hall
We led a workshop in city hall with 180 high school students about why and how to love our enemies. This event was crucial in the growth of the Neighbor-Love Movement.
Workshop: Why Should We Love Our Enemies?
- Date: Wednesday, 17 October 2018
- Location: Dire Dawa, Imam Jude's Private School
We led a lecture and dialogue with 110 high school students about why and how to love our enemies.
Workshop: Media and Civic Participation
- Date: Tuesday, 16 October 2018
- Location: Bahir Dar, Amhara Mass Media Agency
We led a workshop with 130 media professionals on how media can help the promotion of civic participation, volunteerism, and community building.
Workshop: Human Value and the Importance of Education
- Date: Tuesday, 16 October 2018
- Location: Bahir Dar Academy High School
We gave a talk to 100 high school students about human value and the importance of education for public service.